Thursday, July 23, 2015

Lucinda Ellery Reviews: Intralace™ Is for Various Hair Loss Problems

Hair loss is commonly associated with ageing or chemotherapy, but there are actually a lot of conditions that it could result from. Many Lucinda Ellery reviews online have revealed people with different cases, and their unique stories of hair loss as well as help to disguise this loss after receiving the Intralace System™. Here are some conditions that can be disguised with Intralace™ options: 

Alopecia Areata 
People with alopecia areata would observe patches of hair loss on their scalp or body. It is estimated that 1 out of every 100 of the population has this condition. What happens with alopecia areata is that the body’s white blood cells attack hair follicles for an unknown (and yet to be determined) reason, thus leading to inadequate hair growth.

Female Pattern Hair Loss 
Women with this condition will observe thinning of the hair particularly on the crown area. Some studies suggest that this can actually be inherited from either side of the family, and can start as early as puberty. Mild cases can be solved with some scalp make-up or with ultra-fine hair extensions; however, severe cases will need more effective solutions like the Intralace™ method.

This is a condition where the person, consciously or unconsciously pulls their own hair out. Many Lucinda Ellery reviews in blogs and hair loss forums show that the Intralace System™ is particularly effective for individuals with trichotillomania, since the hair mesh can prevent the person from pulling out their hair. The condition is not exactly “cured” or “healed” per say, however, by placing a barrier between the hands and the hair, the person can gain more control with his/her pulling habits. When accompanied with cognitive behavioural therapy, the person can eventually outgrow their hair-pulling compulsion, such as in many successful stories amongst the clients of Lucinda Ellery.

Other Cases 
Some thyroid diseases like hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are also known conditions that have hair loss as a side effect. Sometimes, though, the problem can be as simple as the person’s lifestyle. Poor nutrition and frequent exposure to stress can both cause excessive hair fall. It is important to remember that to take care of one part of your body, you need to address the whole. In other words proper diet and stress management, won’t only promote hair re-growth but a better overall health.

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