Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Post-partum Hair Loss: Read Lucinda Ellery Reviews to Find Solutions

Women who just gave birth experience a lot of changes in their body as they dive into motherhood. One of these changes is gradual hair loss, which usually starts three weeks after the baby is born. Called “telogen effluvium” or TE, the condition is a scalp disorder that often results from some kind of stress, forcing the hair follicles to enter a premature resting phase.

Some women faced with the stark reality of their new responsibilities find their hair thinning as a reaction to stress. While the condition is temporary, TE can be shocking, particularly for women who love to touch their hair. To learn how to combat the problem, women can read Lucinda Ellery reviews that share pointers on dealing with hair loss.


Post-partum hair loss may be caused by various factors. Hormonal change is one. In reality, people lose strands of hair every day; it’s a normal process. Since the pregnancy creates changes in hormonal levels, hair shedding goes into a standstill, and pregnant women may find themselves discarding less hair. However, after giving birth, normal hormonal behaviour resumes and post-partum hair loss becomes conspicuous.

Stress is also another major factor, especially when a mother has to wake up frequently at night to tend to the child. The pressure of looking after everything could leave a woman exhausted.


Don’t fret, because there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. After letting a GP or dermatologist analyse the level of TE on your scalp, a hair loss expert can act on the findings and recommend effective solutions. One option is to add extensions that do not affect other hairy sections; this is designed to camouflage thinning areas.

Another option is to wear a special mesh-based apparatus that covers the entire scalp in strands which match your colour. You have to wear the gear all the time, though.

There are also natural methods you can do to complement the gear-based solution. For instance, avoid excessive and harsh brushing to prevent shearing strands. Do not use irons and hair dryers, if you can help it. Plan your eating habits around healthy options and keep hydrated.

Parenthood is definitely a tough challenge for any woman. However, you don’t have to tear your hair out every time the stress of looking after the baby gets to you. Trust reputable Lucinda Ellery reviews to help you find a solution.

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